There are two people that I'd like to mention: Psychiatrists and Gun Shop Sales Associates. Both seem to operate in the same way and for many of the same purposes. In my years of working with Psychiatrists I have found these people, by and large, to be psychotic. Some more than others and there have been a few who were nice and quite stable. The majority have been rude, power-tripping, unethical and scary. In what ways? Well, I have had some physically abuse a person in front of me, yell at people in my presence, prescribe mind numbing medications to people who do not need or want it, send people into the hospital for no reason and prescribe medication and diagnose people incorrectly for no other reason than they have been visited by the pharmaceutical representative minutes earlier. Scary indeed. You can see how these people put a therapist in an awkward situation. What can you do? It is a choice between tolerating abuse and splitting with your "team", the field, and the professional alliance, which in turn confuses and scares your "client." It is a dilemma and I have had situations get real ugly.
Gun shop dudes. What can I say? You walk into a shop with questions typically. Not everyone who likes firearms owns every single one or has read enough Guns and Ammo back issues to know all the ins and outs of all guns. But boy, look out if you don't act like you know it all. You see, you are shopping, purchasing from someone who is selling, but in their world you are taking a test. A big SAT, LSAT, Navy Seals, test is what you are taking in their mind. Then you get the tough guy treatment also. I have yet to meet one of these great patriots who can just tell you the facts and act like they are there to help you. Most are experts and the research shows that playing it off as "the expert" only builds resistance to change, resistance in general.
Where do they come together? Perhaps it is the clientele. I'd imagine rich Psychiatrists are rather classist and don't really like poorer people getting anything seemingly free. Also, they have to deal with these parasites called HMOs (more on this later). Last but not least, they have to deal with being sued, and they are sued often. Kid gets a rash, lawyer is the one reporting it. Person commits suicide, lawyer is telling them the news. It is obscene the amount of sewage that flows in this profession. That must get tiresome and thus, this is their rationale for the abuse. It is sad. Gun dudes have to deal with real jerks quite often. I have personally seen people sweep the guy behind the counter with a loaded rifle, not a good practice, that could get annoying fast. I have seen Rambo-types come in to the shops acting like fools and play shooting their friends across the store with unloaded weapons, all the same, annoying. I have seen many rude macho-people, male and female, insult, aggravate and take advantage of the person's space in gun shops frequently. Both professions are stuck either behind a counter or in a small office most of the day and typically the same space every day of work, that gets tiresome. Both Psychiatrists and Gun Store Sales Reps. are selling a product of about the same utility. For some they take it as life and death, a necessity. My only question is how did people survive prior to both becoming so frustrating of a profession?